Sunday, February 12, 2012

How do people get their points of views across to others?

Jonathan Edwards constantly campaigned to win sinners' souls to Christ by scaring them into salvation. This made me think of all of the ways that celebrities and other people or companies get their points across to viewers. So, my question is: How do people get their points of views across to others?  I have split points of views into four groups: Christ, Getting fit, Finding the perfect someone, and Finding a cure. First of all, many people have tried to persuade others to Christ. Today, Tim Tebow is probably the first person that anyone thinks of. He is a true man of God who shows his love by putting scriptures on his eye blacks and "Tebows" (kneels and prays with a fist on his forehead).(This second picture shows my brother and some other high school boys from our church "Tebowing" on a youth trip in Gatlinburg this past January).  As for getting fit, there are many ways to do it. Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers have commercials on TV constantly. They offer different ways to lose weight with different options of food. The most common commercial today for Jenny Craig is seen at this link Michelle Obama is very involved with how the country gets fit. I believe that she is convinced that everyone is overweight and needs to get into shape. This is not necessarily true, what about those that are actually fit or underweight? That is all beside the point, but Mrs. Obama has traveled the country helping kids get fit by dancing and doing things like a Platypus Walk. Since its so close to Valentine's day, dating sites like eHarmony,, and are set on helping you find that perfect someone! If you would like to know exactly how dating sites rank, visit One site that I did not see was, their commercials always make me laugh, but I will let you have your own personal opinions on that by watching this Finally, on to those commercials that everyone always changes the channels for, those showing animal abuse, children with cancer, or starving children in Africa. I will not post any videos because they make me sad. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is dedicated to giving children with life threatening diseases proper treatment that is of no cost to the parents if their insurance covers it. The ASPCA has the most moving commercials in my opinion because they show animals with the worst beatings or scars and have the heartfelt music playing in the background. The starving children in Africa seem fake to  me honestly. I know that there are starving children, but why not bring them to America to be adopted instead of asking me to call a 1-800 number to donate so much money to possibly get a picture of a child that they say is starving? That is also beside the point, but I sometimes like to voice my opinions. In conclusion, there are many ways that companies or individuals get their points across to viewers. A few of the categories for points of views are Christ, getting fit, finding the perfect someone, and finding a cure.

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